Süleymanname is an illustrated manuscript chronicling the life and achievements of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Unfortunately, while copies exist and there are photographs of the illustrations, they are poor in both resolution and lighting.
In this post, we’ll look at 10 selected images from Süleymanname detailed with AI. Take a look here to see all the original images with more descriptions about the scenes. Click here for the Wikipedia article about the book.

This is the left page of a double-page spread from Süleymanname illustrating the accession ceremony of Süleyman I in the Topkapi Palace. The first courtyard of the palace with two gates is shown. In the foreground is the Bab-i Hümayun Gate, in the background is the Babüsselam Gate.

This is the right page of a double-page spread from Süleymanname illustrating the accession ceremony of Süleyman I in the Topkapi Palace.
After hearing about his father’s death, Süleyman arrived in Istanbul from Manisa (where he served as a governor) and ascended the golden throne in front of the Babüssaade (Gate of Felicity) at the Topkapı Palace. As part of the ceremony, the Şeyhülislam (Chief Cleric) and the Grand Vizier, along with other viziers and various governors were present in their assigned places. On the first page of the miniature, people of varying ages and professions chatter excitedly in small groups, in a chaotic and disorganised setting. On the second page, however, the figures sitting closer to the sultan are observing rules of propriety and decorum as demanded by the etiquette of the ceremony. Source: Reorient from Osmanlı Tasvir Sanatları

The siege of Rhodes in 1522, from the Süleymanname of 1558. While Ottoman sappers excavate mines, Janissary marksmen shoot at the Knights Hospitaller manning the walls. Other Janissaries with shields and hooked pole-arms stand ready to mount an assault. (Ms. Haz. 1517, f.149a, Topkapi Lib., Istanbul) From p.18, ELI - 58 The Janissaries by David Nicolle and Christa Hook

f.170b, Ajas Mehmed Pasha has beheaded Ahmed Pasa, rebel beylerbey of Egypt. Süleymanname of 1558, Topkapi Saray Museum ms Hazine 1517.

The king of Hungary, Lajos II, in council before the Battle of Mohacs. By Ali. Amir Beg Shirwani, Istanbul, 1558. Topkapi Palace Museum. Ms Hazine 1517, folio 200a. Referenced by Bilkent University

Ottoman sultan Suleiman gives the Holy Crown of Hungary to King of Hungary János Szapolyai after briefly holding it after the Battle of Mohács (1526). Topkapi Palace Museum, MS Hazine 1517 Source: A korona kilenc évszázada by Katona Tamás, Corvina 1979, Budapest

f.346a, Suleyman receiving the French delegation. Süleymanname of 1558, Topkapi Saray Museum ms Hazine 1517.

f.433a?, Battle of Istabur?. Süleymanname of 1558, Topkapi Saray Museum ms Hazine 1517.