I’ve been using ComfyUI to enhance photos from a set of over 300 aerial balloon photographs taken by the U.S. Army’s 14th Photo Section during World War I. These images are part of a bigger archive that shows everything from ruined towns to giant trenches carved across the countryside, all captured from balloons tethered high above the Western Front.

What I love about these shots is how they’re basically a window into a time when aerial photography was just getting off the ground. Balloons were risky business back then; enemy planes and incendiary shells were constant threats. Eventually, airplanes took over reconnaissance work, and balloon photography fell by the wayside.

See the sliders and images below from 3 different French cities taken during WW1. If you want to see the full set of original photos, take a look at the collection on davidrumsey.com

Verdun: Before After Sedan: Before After Before After Before After Romagne: Before After