Making the Ideal 3d Printer Montioring Live-Stream

See a clip of the monitor in action here! The Octoprint Problem I don’t know exactly how long I’ve been using Octoprint to manage my 3d printers, but I can’t remember a time I had a printer and didn’t use Octoprint. It’s a fantastic piece of software for everything 3dprint related with one glaring exception – Live camera monitoring. Octoprint’s live monitoring only supports cameras like Picam, that serve a URL you can poll and get an Mjpeg....

April 13, 2024 Âˇ 6 min Âˇ 1129 words Âˇ P.W.

A Better Bookmark Experience with and Logseq

Bookmarks Suck Bookmarks, which should be such a fundamental and powerful part of browsing the web, has got to be one of the most poorly executed parts of our modern browsing experience. While browsers focus on developing more spyware bloat and UI features few users will ever see, there’s not an easy native way I have found to successfully collect, organize and be able to use a large personal collection of links....

March 13, 2024 Âˇ 4 min Âˇ 719 words Âˇ P.W.

Creating an RSS Newsletter for your Hugo Blog using Brevo

It Was Supposed to Be So Easy… If you’re running a blog on a static site generator stack, you may have looked into setting up email automation and a subscriber list. If you’re a devout follower of the lazy dev principles, you probably also thought about automating this then noticed all the RSS output controls that frameworks like Hugo provide out of the box. Great – Now you just need to find an email service with a free tier and RSS integration – Easy, right?...

October 10, 2023 Âˇ 5 min Âˇ 994 words Âˇ P.W.

Taking Back Control: Finding Focus and Choice on the Internet in 2023

I’ve had enough. Over the last year, I have finally decided that all the attention manipulation, the never ending ‘signals’, and the 3500 interrupters that my phone and other devices create each day is too much to bear. I find I no longer casually or carefully read articles – let alone books! My days have become filled with a blend or oscillations between some variant of ‘doom scrolling’ on pop-news sites and trying to do 100 things at once while 1000 other things beg me to give them my attention for just a moment....

February 9, 2023 Âˇ 9 min Âˇ 1851 words Âˇ P.W.

How to Record Better IRacing Replays

We’ve all been there. You had an incredible race and want to share it. You record your incredible pass or save on a single cam, watch it, and imagine what it could be. You look at the keyboard shortcuts and envision yourself as a live-event-director, smashing buttons to switch cameras at the perfect time while the recording runs. Perhaps you even tried to record like this, and realized doing that well would require a time investment on par with your sim racing addiction....

December 20, 2022 Âˇ 4 min Âˇ 664 words Âˇ P.W.