Adventures in AI Programming: Daily Experiments with GPT-4

A GPT-4 Program a Day Keeps the Bugs Away I’ve been exploring what GPT-4 and other AI tools are capable of over the past few months when it comes to software development. I’ve mostly been using ChatGPT+, Bing Chat – I had tried to use some of the other hyped up models for programming purposes, but nothing I’ve found lets me build software from scratch (while writing minimal code myself) as well, and so these days I mostly stick to those....

July 2, 2023 · 11 min · 2152 words · P.W.

Adventures in AI Programming: Daily Experiments with GPT-4

A GPT-4 Program a Day Keeps the Bugs Away I’ve been exploring what GPT-4 and other AI tools are capable of over the past few months when it comes to software development. I’ve mostly been using ChatGPT+, Bing Chat – I had tried to use some of the other hyped up models for programming purposes, but nothing I’ve found lets me build software from scratch (while writing minimal code myself) as well, and so these days I mostly stick to those....

July 2, 2023 · 11 min · 2152 words · P.W.

Making Games With Bing Chat and GPT4

Oh Good, You’re Awake… Today, we’ll see if we can get Bing to make a game for us. We’ll try to write no code ourselves (though we’ll probably have do some cleaning up/troubleshooting). Bing isn’t very good at creating assets in my experience, so for those we’ll grab free stuff online. I’ve had some success with this in the past. I won’t say the games are good or even all the way functional, but I’ve still been massively impressed by Bing’s ability to deliver on what I ask for....

April 21, 2023 · P.W.